Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Greetings on behalf of the staff of RRPMEDIA Group. This blog has been created as a virtual think tank where you can participate and have your voice heard on the ever present impact of Race, Religion and Power ("RRP") on our day to day lives. Please look forward to our first substantive posting coming shortly. We appreciate your interest and look forward to your participation in this exploration and fusion of ideas.


LeVoyd L. Carter, II

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just briefed the comments on race, religion & power...this is something that we, as a people, will have to have serious discussions. It still amazes me how each of the so called major religion preaches a certain degree of humbleness, yet in practice worshipers say if you don't believe how I do, you are just WRONG! So much so that you will see divisions within the religion...sunnis, orthodox, methodist, etc. I look forward to reading and participating in the discussions.